Covid 19 Policy

  1. Mask are required when you enter the office. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided.
  2. Covid Screening Survey with Exposure will be completed at Check In.
  3. All Guest of patients will be asked to wait in vehicle while patient is seen for appointment. Only the patient is allowed back in the treatment room.
  4. If you are symptomatic, have fever, loss sense of taste please reschedule your appointment.
  5. If you have been exposed to another person with flu like symptoms or has tested positive for Covid-19. Please call the office prior to coming into office and exposing other.
  6. If you have tested positive for Covid-19 or the Flu, call the office for options, do not come to office.

Thank you and we look forward to helping you meet your health goals!

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Call to schedule or complete the contact form on our website!


Phone Number is (972) 203-3600 or email at

Ideal candidates have:

BMI of 30 and above

BMI of 27+ with at least one weight related condition, such as controlled hypertension, diabetes or high cholesterol

Please click here or call (972) 203-3600 to get started.