Our Approach

  • Our providers will create an individualized treatment plan to help you reach the best version of YOU which includes easy check-ins and focuses on building healthy, sustainable habits around nutrition and exercise.

  • We offer a complimentary body composition scan report and EKG, along with before and after pictures to document your journey.

  • A dedicated Health Coach is available to support your journey and offer weekly visits, smart goal-building, and 30 minutes one-on-ones to support you emotionally and provide accountability.

  • During your first milestone visit, our specialist will discuss where you are in your journey and what the appropriate next steps are for your treatment. We are here for you, whether in continuing monthly medication management or seeing us when you need help getting back on track.

Take Our Weight Loss Quiz

Paragon Health Partners, Medically assisted weight loss


Introducing new Zepbound injectables, a powerful solution backed by FDA approval with the same proven ingredients as Mounjaro.

Why Zepbound:

  • Insurance Coverage Advantage (pay as low as $25 for a 1 or 3-month prescription with a Zepbound savings card.)
  • Proven effectiveness for medically assisted weight loss
  • Reduces appetite, food intake, body fat, and body weight
Learn More

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide Available!

From $148 and $198 Per Month – No Insurance Needed

We offer compounded Semaglutide (commonly known as Ozempic and Wegovy) and Tirzepatide (brand name Mounjaro) at an affordable self-pay rate. These medications have the same active ingredient and efficacy as the brand name versions, for a fraction of the cost. Care Credit is also available!

Book Appointment

Weight Loss Medications

There are multiple weight loss prescription medications available to patients, including Wegovy, Ozempic, Saxenda, Contrave, Metformin and more. Read more to explore their benefits and differences.

Book an Appointment

Weight Loss Patient Testimonials

medically assisted weight loss consultation

Anna’s Success Story

Hear how she lost 20 lbs in 6 months and increased her confidence.

medically assisted weight loss testimonial

Brett’s Success Story

Brett went from 324 lbs. to 218 lbs. in 10 months with the support of our team and process.

What to Expect

  • Guided medically assisted weight loss treatment with support from our team of experienced and compassionate professionals including Physicians Board Certified in Obesity Medicine, Nurse Practitioners with certificates of Advanced Education in Obesity Medicine, Certified Health Coaches, and Medical Assistants.

  • We partner with your Primary Care Physician to manage co-morbidities such as diabetes, PCOS, metabolic syndrome, and other weight-related medical conditions which enables optimal results for weight loss, as well as overall health and well-being.

  • Easy appointments online via telemedicine (with optional office visits) and virtual health coaching.


Learn More About Medically Assisted Weight Loss

how does a medically assisted weight loss program work

Weight Loss Success Stories

Sheryl’s Success Story

“I am thrilled to be losing weight! I have lost 61 lbs over the past year with the help of Paragon & Dr. Vargas! My arthritis is so much better on the Mediterranean diet, and I don’t feel deprived at all! Love the new me!”

Sheryl M.

before and after, medically assisted weight loss

Charles' Success Story

“Since starting my weight loss journey with Paragon in May of 2021 I am down 63 pounds. I am feeling better physically and my quality of life is improving for the better. I have been able to come off of many of my routine medications for blood pressure and diabetes. Having Dr. Hinkle and Dr. Vargas listen to me, and help put things in terms that I understand is a major factor in my success. I’m so glad that I started my journey with Paragon, and I tell everyone who asks me about my weight loss to call Paragon and start their journey, they won’t regret it.”

Charles F.

before and after medically assisted weight loss

Tammy’s Success Story

“I’ve lost weight and gained mobility! Both vital to my happiness and independence. I came into your establishment many moons ago with a walker. And today I’m walking, look great and feel great! I am signing up to attempt my first 5K next month. Pain doesn’t change who I am on the outside, only the inside. You guys have really helped me have mobility and a better quality of life! Thank you!”

Tammy M.

before and after medically assisted weight loss

Amy's Success Story

"With the help of Dr. Vargas and Chelsey Hinkle I have lost 38 lbs. I have always struggled with over eating and with their guidance and medication I have been able to finally lose weight and feel more confident. The process has been an incredible experience and I’ve been able to lose weight and keep it off effortlessly. I have learned to change my eating habits and make healthy choices and listen to my body when I am full. I’ve tried so many other programs and none have been as successful as my experience with Paragon!"

Before weight 178
After weight 140

Amy C.

Casey's Success Story

"Joining Paragon's weight loss program was a game-changer for me, marking the first step in prioritizing my well-being since my daughter's birth in 2021. Frustrated with weight gain, worsening blood pressure, and a desire to be an active part of my daughter's life, I decided to take control of my health. Paragon not only helped me shed pounds but also boosted my overall well-being. With increased energy, regained confidence, and fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes, the results are undeniable. The staff's kindness and support made discussing weight and body concerns less intimidating. It's one of the best decisions I've made, and I'm grateful for the transformative journey with Paragon Health Partners, where I was treated like a human being from day one."

Casey R.

Ideal Candidate

  • BMI of 30 and above, or BMI of 27+ with at least
    one weight-related condition, such as controlled hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol
  • Men and women age 18 or older
  • Ready to lose the weight and keep it off for good!


Calculate Your BMI

medically assisted weight loss program

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is an ideal candidate?
    18+ years old, BMI of 30 and above, or BMI of 27+ with one weight related condition
  • Do you have to be local?
    We serve patients in the office in Paris, Texas and telemed for Texas residents

Read More

FAQ about medically assisted weight loss

Next Steps

  • Schedule your appointment
  • Our proprietary program is covered by most insurance. Your insurance will be verified prior
    to you first visit.
  • Affordable self-pay options and Care Credit are also available!

Contact Us

medically assisted weight loss consultation

Complimentary Tools

Building healthy habits and prioritizing nutrition is an important component of sustainable weight loss. At Paragon, we partner with you to create an individualized treatment plan that includes meal plans that suit your dietary restrictions and needs.

We are offering a complementary balanced 7-day meal plan and supporting tools to get you started.

By entering your contact information, you agree to receive occasional email updates from Paragon.

Fill in your information below and click download now to instantly access the complementary tools!

Am I a Candidate?

You have entered an incorrect format. Please enter X/XX or X’XX”

Calculate BMI

Call to schedule or complete the contact form on our website!


Phone Number is (972) 203-3600 or email at info@paragonphp.com

Ideal candidates have:

BMI of 30 and above

BMI of 27+ with at least one weight related condition, such as controlled hypertension, diabetes or high cholesterol

Please click here or call (972) 203-3600 to get started.